(01/06/25) I finished the Luksya final design. She looks like a super sentai character, fucking ridiculous, I love it.
(At this point the news page is created, past stuff can have incorrect numbers)
(01/05/25) Defined the basic scrip of the first volume kinda.
(10/07/24) Created 1st Luksya design, it wasn't good, looked like an awful copy of Hatsune Miku and that analog horror of Lacey, it was trash.
(08/26/24) Created the Joey design :3 FuCKInG CUTE EmO!!1!
(08/21/24) Kimberly design is created for an isolated draw, in the end becoming the comic main character.
(some moment before) The mice decide to create a comic for fun, for being a ranfren fan and wanting to create something simillar.